Daniel 6:16
Which king was forced to throw Daniel into the lions' den?
Whose prayer resulted in his being thrown into a den of lions?
| Darius | Dagon | David | Daniel |
Who was thrown into the den of lions?
| Meshach | Daniel | Shadrach | Abednego |
Moab threw Daniel into a den of lions
| True | False |
Why were Daniel's three friends thrown into the fiery furnace?
| They could not interpret the king's dreams | They would not eat the king's meat | They continued to pray to their own God | They wouldn't bow down to Nebuchadnezzar's golden image |
Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown into a fiery furnace
| True | False |
Daniel spent three days and nights in the lions' den
| False | True |
Who climbed into a pit on a snowy day and killed a lion?
| Helez | Benaiah | Eliahba | Zalmon |
What did Potiphar's wife falsely accuse Joseph of which caused him to be thrown into prison?
| Murder | Theft | Blasphemy | Rape |