Upper lip
Lev 13:45 - Perhaps to cover mouth and prevent the spread of infection.
Which Old Testament prophet spoke of John the Baptist when he said "The voice of one crying in the wilderness"?
| Micah | Amos | Jeremiah | Isaiah |
Who was Paul writing to when he wrote "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith"?
| Timothy | James | Titus | Philemon |
For how many days did darkness cover the land of Egypt during the plagues?
| 3 | 4 | 2 | 1 |
What did Joseph's brothers do to deceive their father to cover up that they had sold Joseph into slavery?
| Brought back a sandal and a broken staff | Said he had been taken captive and killed | Said he had fallen into a pit | Dipped his coat in the blood of a goat |
How did Adam and Eve attempt to cover their nakedness after their sin?
| They wove grass mats. | They sewed fig leaves together. | They used animal skins. | They hid behind trees. |
Hate stirs up strife, but what does love cover?
| All sins | Hateful imaginations | A lying tongue | A guilty heart |
Where did Simon the leper live?
| Jerusalem | Nazareth | Galilee | Bethany |
Three unclean spirits came out of the dragon's mouth in Revelation, but what did they look like?
| Tongues of fire | Silver coins | Frogs | Serpents |
In the ritual cleansing of a leper under the law of Moses, which animals were to be offered on the eighth day?
| Goats | Oxen | Bullocks | Lambs |
What sort of clothes was a leper to wear?
| New | Washed | Black | Torn |