Show themselves to the priest
Luke 17:14 - Under the law they were to present themselves to the priest and later on offer sacrifices
Out of the ten lepers Jesus healed, what nationality was the one who returned to thank him?
| Assyrian | Samaritan | Roman | Jew |
Out of the ten lepers who Jesus healed, how many came back to say thank you?
| One | Three | Two | None |
Five of the lepers Jesus healed came back to thank him
| True | False |
When Jesus met the ten lepers who did he tell them to go and show themselves to?
| Priests | Families | Pharisees | No-one |
Jesus initially sent the 12 disciples to preach to which group of people?
| Samaritans | Inhabitants of Jerusalem | Gentiles | House of Israel |
Which group of people stood and watched Jesus as he ascended into heaven?
| Pharisees | Nazarites | Galileans | Samaritans |
Which group of captives kept in dungeons died during the plagues upon Egypt?
| Women | Firstborn | Murderers | Children |
Which group first attacked Job’s property before his trials escalated?
| The Sabeans | The Philistines | The Amalekites | The Chaldeans |
As Jesus entered a village while going between Samaria and Galilee, how many lepers did he meet?
| Seven | Ten | Four | Eighteen |
How many years did the Lord add to Hezekiah's life after being healed of his sickness?
| 10 | 15 | 8 | 14 |