2 Ki 7:3
How many lepers that were sitting outside the city gates of Samaria went down to the deserted camp of Aram?
| Three | One | Four | Two |
Who prayed for the Lord to strike the Syrian army with blindness?
| Saul | David | Elisha | Samuel |
As Jesus entered a village while going between Samaria and Galilee, how many lepers did he meet?
| Ten | Eighteen | Four | Seven |
What did God rain down on the Amorite army as they passed through Beth-Horon, killing more of them than the Israelite army did?
| Quails | Fire and brimstone | Hailstones | Boiling rain |
What did Joseph want to do when he discovered Mary was pregnant?
| Have the child given away | Keep it a secret | Send her back to her parents | Quietly divorce her |
In the new holy city, of what were the twelve gates made?
| Jasper | Gold | Silver | Pearls |
Where were lepers required to live?
| With a neighbour | Outside the camp | In a cave | In their own house |
Out of the ten lepers who Jesus healed, how many came back to say thank you?
| Three | None | One | Two |
How did the king's captain die after the siege of Samaria ended, just as Elisha had said it would?
| Fell from city wall | Trampled to death | Eaten by wild bears | Poisoned |