Dipped his coat in the blood of a goat
Gen 37
Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers
| False | True |
How did Adam and Eve attempt to cover their nakedness after their sin?
| They sewed fig leaves together. | They hid behind trees. | They wove grass mats. | They used animal skins. |
From which country did Moses help the Israelites escape from their lives of slavery?
| Egypt | Midian | Moab | Edom |
In Egypt, what did Joseph say to his brothers at their first meeting?
| Welcome, my brothers! | Guards, kill them! | Does my father yet live? | You are spies! |
Joseph seated his brothers at his table in Egypt in order of their age?
| False | True |
Which of Joseph's brothers insisted they didn't kill him before throwing him in the pit?
| Simeon | Reuben | Levi | Benjamin |