Killed by a lion
1 Ki 13
Which man led the Jews back to the land of Israel, following the captivity, with the intention of rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem?
| Eliashib | Nehemiah | Ezra | Hanani |
Who sold his birthright for a meal of bread and lentil stew?
| Esau | Joshua | Samuel | Moses |
What meal did the Israelites have to eat with loins girded, shoes on feet, and staff in hand?
Who when accused of being with Jesus lied and said that he did not know him, three times?
| Barnabas | Peter | Paul | A Roman centurion |
What creatures mentioned by God grazed like an ox and lied in the shade of trees?
| Dragons | Unicorns | Behemoth | Nephilim |
In a dream at Bethel, what does God tell Jacob his descendants would be like?
| The fish of the sea | The dust of the earth | The stars in the heavens | The sand of the shore |
Complete the saying: "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than......."
| For an ant to climb a mountain | For a rich man to enter the kingdom of God | It is to find water in the desert | For a poor man to receive honour |
Complete the saying of Jesus: "for the tree is known by his ____"
| Fruit | Flowers | Seeds | Leaves |