2 Kings 4:12
What did Elijah's servant see from Mt Carmel on the seventh time he looked out to sea?
| An angel | A cloud | A boat | An island |
Who offered to stay behind as Joseph's servant in Egypt in place of Benjamin?
| Judah | Zebulun | Reuben | Gad |
Abraham's servant took twelve camels in his search for a wife for Isaac?
| False | True |
Abraham's servant met Rebekah by a well?
| True | False |
Which king of Israel became a servant to Shalmaneser, king of Assyria?
| Menahem | Pekahiah | Shallum | Hoshea |
Who cut off the ear of the High Priest's servant, Malchus?
| James | John | Philip | Peter |
To whose servant did Peter deny knowing Jesus for a third time?
| Centurion's | Pontius Pilate's | High Priest's | Caesar's |
In which book do we read "the small and great are there; and the servant is free from his master"?
| Revelation | Jude | Psalms | Job |
What did Abraham's servant do to seal an oath with him?
| Placed his hand under Abraham's thigh | Shook hands | Swapped shoes | Built an altar |
Who said "no servant can serve two masters"?
| Jesus | Peter | Timothy | Paul |