High Priest's
John 18:26
How many times did Peter deny Jesus before the rooster crowed?
| One | Four | Two | Three |
Which disciple was to deny Jesus three times?
| Matthew | Peter | Andrew | James |
What did Elijah's servant see from Mt Carmel on the seventh time he looked out to sea?
| An island | A boat | An angel | A cloud |
What courtyard was Peter sitting in when he denied he knew Jesus to the servant girl?
| Pharisees' | High Priest's | Temple | Garden of Gethsemane |
Where was Peter standing when he denied Jesus for the second time?
| Warming himself at the fire | In the garden of Gethsemane | In the streets outside the high priest's yard | At the foot of the cross |
What was the name of the servant who answered the door after Peter escaped from prison?
| Hannah | Phebe | Lois | Rhoda |
Which book of the Bible says there is a time of war and a time of peace?
| Proverbs | Psalms | Lamentations | Ecclesiastes |
During whose time did people begin to call upon the name of the Lord?
| Enoch | Methuselah | Lamech | Enosh |