Gal 4:14
Fill in the missing word(s) : Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of _____
Moses received ____ commandments from God on Mt. Sinai written on tablets of stone
When the apostles were imprisoned by the high priest, at what time of day did the angel release them?
| Night | Sunset | Dawn | Midday |
Zacharias and Elizabeth were told by an angel that they would have a son. What was he to be called?
| Jesus | Matthew | John | Luke |
What did the Holy Spirit look like when the disciples received it?
| White doves | Billowing clouds | A rushing wind | Tongues of fire |
Which tribe of Israel received no inheritance?
| Judah | Dan | Levi | Simeon |
Who laid their hands on Saul of Tarsus, curing him of the blindness he received on the road to Damascus?
| Jesus | Ananias | Barnabas | Peter |
Who lied about the price they received for a piece of land and died as a result?
| Ananias & Sapphira | Joseph & Mary | Lazarus | Eutychus |
What did the servant who received one talent from his master do with it?
| Spent it | Lost it | Invested it | Hid it |