Numbered Israel
2 Sam 24:10-16
Who caused great fear by calling on God to send rain and thunder during the wheat harvest?
| Aaron | David | Joshua | Samuel |
At what place did the Israelites arrive only to find the water was too bitter to drink, whereupon God caused it to become sweet?
| Elim | Horeb | Marah | Midian |
What happened to the plant that God caused to grow over Jonah to give him shade?
| It produced fruit | A worm attacked it | Jonah chopped it down | Its leaves grew larger |
What did Potiphar's wife falsely accuse Joseph of which caused him to be thrown into prison?
| Murder | Rape | Theft | Blasphemy |
Who did an angel say that Cornelius should send for?
| Peter | Timothy | Paul | Jesus |
Who did God send to rebuke David for his dealings with Uriah and Bathsheba?
| Joab | Nathan | Zadok | Absalom |
Who interceded for Sodom when he learned God intended to destroy the city?
| Abraham | Terah | Lot | Moses |
Which king used a pen knife to destroy God's word?
| Jehoiakim | Saul | Hezekiah | Rehoboam |
Which king told David that he was "as an angel of God"?
| Abia | Ahaziah | Agag | Achish |
What did Jesse send with David to the army camp?
| Fresh horses | Provisions of food | News from back home | Lambs for sacrifice |