What did God promise to make of Abram if he obeyed and left his country?
| A mighty warrior | A wealthy trader | A great nation | A powerful king |
Abraham had the faith to leave his home land at God's command, but where was he told to go?
| He wasn't told | Egypt | Jerusalem | Canaan |
What did Rachel steal from her father, Laban, when she left home with her husband Jacob?
| Laban's favourite camel | Laban's money | Laban's family jewels | Laban's household gods |
Who when accused of being with Jesus lied and said that he did not know him, three times?
| Peter | Paul | A Roman centurion | Barnabas |
After the death of Stephen and the persecution of the church, to which city did Philip first travel?
| Decapolis | Galilee | Samaria | Judea |
Who followed a star believing it would lead them to the newly born king of the Jews?
| Simeon | Wise men | Nebuchadnezzar | Shepherds |