What happened to the prophet from Judah who was led to disobey God when a prophet from Bethel lied to him saying he was allowed to come back and share a meal with him?
| Killed by a lion | Attacked and killed by a robber | Crushed by a falling oak tree | Struck by lightning |
Who led the people of Israel into the promised land?
| Moses | Aaron | Caleb | Joshua |
Moses led the children of Israel over the river Jordan into the Promised Land
| True | False |
Joshua led Israel into the Promised Land by crossing the River Nile
| True | False |
What was the new name given to Daniel while in captivity?
| Meshach | Belteshazzar | Abednego | Shadrach |
Where were the Jews taken captive to when Jerusalem was destroyed?
| Ur | Syria | Nineveh | Babylon |
What happens to the man who puts his hand to the plough and looks back?
| He will burn in fire instead of entering the Kingdom of God | He will need further training before he can enter the Kingdom of God | He is not fit for the Kingdom of God | He will be first in the Kingdom of God |
Which king decreed that the Jews could return to their land to rebuild the temple?
| Darius | Sheshbazzar | Artaxerxes | Cyrus |
Which king held a banquet on the night of his death, during which he saw writing appear on the wall?
| Sargon II | Darius II | Belshazzar | Cyrus |