A dove
What form did the Holy Spirit take at the baptism of Jesus?
| Dove | Unicorn | Lamb | Eagle |
As what bird did the Holy Spirit appear at the baptism of Jesus?
| Sparrow | Dove | Raven | Pigeon |
Which apostle baptized the Ethiopian eunuch?
| Philip | James | John | Peter |
What was the name of the first Gentile (non-Jew) to be baptized?
| Ananias | Cornelius | Peter | Lucius |
In Revelation, unclean spirits came out of the mouth of the dragon, in the form of what animals?
| Frogs | Lice | Scorpions | Goats |
What compelled the Israelites to form and worship the golden calf?
| They created it as repentance for their sins | They didn't know what had happened to Moses | They made it as a symbol of their freedom from slavery | They wanted to make a statue to the Lord |
What was the name of a man who was given the Spirit of God, to enable him to become a good craftsman, and assist with the building of the tabernacle?
| Bezaleel | Caleb | Buz | Uri |
For how many days did Jesus appear to his disciples after his resurrection?
| 12 | 40 | 33 | 7 |
Who did Jesus appear to first after his resurrection?
| Salome | His mother, Mary | Mary Magdalene | Joanna |