Like a bride
Three unclean spirits came out of the dragon's mouth in Revelation, but what did they look like?
| Frogs | Tongues of fire | Silver coins | Serpents |
In the New Jerusalem described in Revelation, what are the twelve gates made from?
| Bronze | Gold | Glass | Pearl |
What did the Holy Spirit look like when the disciples received it?
| White doves | Tongues of fire | A rushing wind | Billowing clouds |
What did the earth look like in the beginning?
| Empty with dry deserts | Rocky land and mountains | Without form and empty | Covered in a dense jungle |
What seed did Manna look like?
| Peppercorn | Mustard | Coriander | Cumin |
In the Bible or Not? : "Books are like mirrors: if a fool looks in, you cannot expect a genius to look out."
| Not | Bible |
The beast that looked like a leopard in Revelation had what characteristic of a dragon?
| Belly | Mouth | Feet | Tail |
In which book does it mention "those that look out of the windows be darkened"?
| Song of Solomon | Ecclesiastes | Proverbs | Lamentations |
Who "wailed like the dragons" and "mourned like the owls" in his lament of the coming judgement on Israel and Judah?
| Joel | Hosea | Malachi | Micah |
Who described himself as "poured out like milk and curdled like cheese"?
| David | Solomon | Job | Jesus |