Turned water into wine
John 2:1-11 - The first of John's "signs".
What miracle did Jesus perform at the marriage in Cana?
| Raising of Lazarus | Feeding of 5000 | The withered fig tree | Water into wine |
What miracle did Jesus perform just before healing Legion of his unclean spirit?
| Raised Lazarus | Feeding of the 4,000 | Walking on water | Calming of the storm |
Who was the first of the apostles to perform a miracle in the name of Jesus?
| Paul | Philip | Peter | John |
Fill in the missing number : At the marriage in Cana of Galilee there were ____ stone waterpots.
What happened at the marriage of Cana?
| Jesus turned water into wine | Jesus healed a crippled man | Jesus condemned materialism | Jesus forgave the couple's sins |
When Jesus went to a wedding in Cana, what did he do with water?
| Gave it to his mother | Turned it into wine | Washed the feet of the bride and groom | Drank it |
What service did Nehemiah perform for King Artaxerxes?
| Chef | Guard | Baker | Cupbearer |
Mary, mother of Jesus, was at the wedding in Cana
| False | True |
What question regarding marriage did the Pharisees use to tempt Jesus?
| Is it lawful for a man to take a second wife? | Is it lawful for a man to marry his brother's daughter? | Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife? | Is it lawful for a man to marry following the death of his wife? |
Which miracle that Jesus performed divided the Pharisees in opinion as to whether Jesus was from God or not?
| Healing of the man with the withered hand | Turning water into wine | Healing of the dumb man by touching his tongue | Healing of the blind man by covering his eyes in clay |