Elijah and Moses
Matthew 17:3
Jesus quotes a portion of text from the Old Testament in connection with the parable of the vineyard owner, The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner:, but which Old Testament book did this come from?
| Isaiah | Psalms | Ezekiel | Jeremiah |
During the transfiguration, who appeared to Jesus and the three disciples?
| Abraham and David | Enoch and Solomon | Moses and Elijah | Adam and Noah |
Name one of the Old Testament prophets present at the Transfiguration
Present at transfiguration - which is the odd one out?
| Jesus | Moses | Elisha | Elijah |
Which of these disciples was not present at the transfiguration?
| John | Peter | Thomas | James |
The angel said to Mary that Jesus would reign over the house of which Old Testament character?
| Solomon | David | Abraham | Jacob |
What did Jesus and the disciples have for breakfast when Jesus appeared to them after the resurrection by the Sea of Tiberias?
| Meat | Cheese and wine | Pulses | Bread and fish |
Jesus appeared to his disciples after the resurrection beside which sea?
| Sea of Tiberias | Red Sea | Dead Sea | Sea of Joppa |
Which Old Testament prophet was given a book to eat by God?
| Amos | Daniel | Ezekiel | Jeremiah |
Other than the Psalms, which is the only other Old Testament book that begins with the letter 'P'?