Gen 7:12 - Probably one of the first things taught in Sunday School.
How many days did God give Noah to prepare before the floodwaters came after announcing he would send rain?
| Seven days | Three days | Forty days | Ten days |
It rained for ____ days and nights causing a great flood in the time of Noah
Which book of the Bible does the story of Noah's ark appear?
| Job | Matthew | Exodus | Genesis |
After how many days did Noah send out the raven from the ark?
| Seven days | Ten days | Forty days | Three days |
Jonah was in the belly of the great fish for ___ days and nights
Jesus spent ____ days and nights in the wilderness being tempted
Daniel spent three days and nights in the lions' den
| True | False |
How long did it rain for during the flood that Noah experienced?
| 7 days and 7 nights | 150 days and 150 nights | 30 days and 30 nights | 40 days and 40 nights |
How many days after sending out the first dove did Noah wait before sending it out again?
| Seven days | Forty days | Three days | Ten days |