Lev 5:7
In the Bible or Not? : "Do not love sleep or you will grow poor; stay awake and you will have food to spare."
| Bible | Not |
How many year old male lambs were to be used as a peace offering during the Feast of Weeks?
| One | Seven | Two | Twelve |
Who deceived the worshippers of Baal into attending sacrifices only to destroy them all once they had arrived?
| Jehu | Josiah | Jeremiah | Elisha |
What animals did the Philistines use to send back the Ark of the Covenant they had taken in battle to the Israelites?
| Donkeys | Ox | Mules | Cows |
Whose donkey could see angel in the road, but he could not?
| Moses | Ahab | Balaam | Saul |
What did Moses do with the blood of the sacrifices after reading the Book of the Covenant?
| Painted it on an ox | Drank it | Poured it over the Covenant | Sprinkled it on the people |
What god did the Philistines offer sacrifices to?
| Dagon | Diana | Baal | Astarte |