Gen 8:7 - Perhaps the raven was unwillingly to fly far from the ark, and Noah sent out the dove instead.
What was the first bird that Noah let out of the ark?
| Raven | Duck | Eagle | Dove |
Pilate offered to release one prisoner - which prisoner did the Jews request to be released?
| Paul | Jesus | Barnabas | Barabbas |
Which prisoner did the crowd call for to be released when Pilate asked them?
| Judas | Barabbas | Titus | Bartholomew |
What was the first thing Noah built when he came out of the ark?
| Altar | House | Tabernacle | Stable |
What did the dove find on its first trip from the ark?
| A dry branch | Nothing | An olive leaf | Food to eat |
Which bird does Job say is lacking in wisdom, due to the fact she leaves her eggs on the floor?
| Cuckoo | Chicken | Emu | Ostrich |
Which bird did Jesus say were sold two for a farthing?
| Turtledoves | Sparrows | Swallows | Wrens |
What bird could poor people use for sacrifices if they could not afford lambs?
| Sparrows | Cuckoo | Pigeons | Ravens |
What type of bird did Solomon import?
| Owls | Eagles | Parrots | Peacocks |