Paul was an apostle, but not one of the 12 disicples. Romans 1:1
When Jesus sent out the twelve disciples to preach the Kingdom of God, what other activity were they also to carry out?
| Speaking in tongues | Perfoming miracles | Teaching children | Healing the sick |
What did Jesus tell his disciples to sell their cloaks for if they didn't already have one?
| Knapsack | Sword | Map | Staff |
Who was the only one of the 12 disciples not from Galilee?
In the Bible or Not? : "Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."
| Bible | Not |
How many days after sending out the first dove did Noah wait before sending it out again?
| Seven days | Ten days | Three days | Forty days |
What was the name of the young man who fell out of the window during one of Paul's speeches?
| Tychicus | Onesimus | Philemon | Eutychus |