Exodus 17:12
How did Moses assure victory against the Amalekites?
| Stood upon a rock | Laid down his staff in the direction of Amalek | Held up his hands | Built an altar to God |
The Ten Commandments were given to Aaron on Mt. Sinai
| False | True |
What was David holding in his hand when Abner brought him to Saul after the battle?
| His sling | Nothing | The head of Goliath | Goliath's sword |
In a battle against the Syrians, what killed 27,000 of them in the city of Aphek?
| An erupting mountain | An army of angels | A deadly plague | A wall fell on them |
Jacob's and Esau's families separated from each other as they had become too big for the land to support them?
| False | True |
Whose sons took the Ark of the Covenant into battle against the Philistines?
| Eli's | Eleazar's | Aaron's | Kohath's |
Who promised to give their daughters to Shechemites if they agreed to be circumcised, only to kill them instead three days later while they were still sore?
| Sons of David | The tribe of Judah | Sons of Jacob | The Levites |
Job compares his friends' failure to support him to the disappointment of which travellers?
| Those from Cush and Egypt | Those from Edom and Moab | Those from Tema and Sheba | Those from Haran and Nineveh |