Matthew 25:3
What objects did the ten virgins take with them in the parable?
| Lamps | Gifts | Scrolls | Coins |
In the parable of the ten virgins, what were they waiting for?
| Midnight | Bridegroom | Supper | Christmas |
In which gospel would you find... The Ten Virgins?
| Luke | Mark | John | Matthew |
Who told his wife not to worry that she was barren and said, "am not I better to thee than ten sons"?
| Jacob | Abraham | Manoah | Elkanah |
What did God create on day five?
| Sun and Moon | Grass and Trees | Animals | Fish and Birds |
At the feeding of the five thousand, a young lad provided what?
| Ten loaves and five fishes | One loaf and five fishes | Five loaves and two fishes | Seven loaves and three fishes |
The clothes of Jesus were divided among the soldiers five ways?
| True | False |
Five loaves and two fish were used to feed the 5,000
| True | False |