Bible Trivia Question

In the parable of the sower, what does the seed represent?

Word of God
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| Those people who hear God's word and bring forth fruit | Those people who hear God's word but then it's choked out by riches and wealth | Those people who hear God's word but do not understand it | Those people who hear God's word but fall away when tribulations arise |

In the parable of the sower, what happened to the seed that fell by the way side?
| Choked by weeds | Washed away | Eaten by birds | Grew, but withered |

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| On a mountain | In the temple | In a boat | On the coast |

In the parable of the grain of mustard seed, when it becomes a tree birds come and do what?
| Build nests | Roost for the night | Die | Eat the leaves |

In which gospel would you find... The Parable of the Growing Seed?
| John | Luke | Mark | Matthew |

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| Seven years of war against their enemies | Seven years of famine followed by seven years of plenty | Seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine | Seven years of drought |

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| Babylonian artifacts | People | Regions of Babylon | Kingdoms of the world |

What seed did Manna look like?
| Peppercorn | Cumin | Mustard | Coriander |

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| The wine will not age | It will smell bad | It will burst the bottles | It will taste bad |

In the parable of the lost sheep how does the shepherd bring the found sheep home?
| On his shoulders | In a cart | Follows it home | On a rope |

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