Build nests
Luke 13:19
In the parable about a fig tree, when you see the tree putting forth leaves, what is near?
| Winter | Autumn | Summer | Spring |
In the parable of the sower, what does the seed represent?
| Word of God | Believers | Gentiles | Jesus |
In the parable of the Sower, what did the seed that fell among thorns represent?
| Those people who hear God's word but then it's choked out by riches and wealth | Those people who hear God's word and bring forth fruit | Those people who hear God's word but do not understand it | Those people who hear God's word but fall away when tribulations arise |
In the parable of the sower, what happened to the seed that fell by the way side?
| Eaten by birds | Grew, but withered | Choked by weeds | Washed away |
In which gospel would you find... The Parable of the Growing Seed?
| Luke | Matthew | Mark | John |
Who sent bread, wine, sheep, grain, raisins and cakes of figs to David and his men?
| Jonathan | Bathsheba | Abigail | Saul |
Which Parable is this from? : For John the Baptist has come eating no bread and drinking no wine, and you say, 'He has a demon.'
| Rich fool | Vineyard workers | Children in market | Unclean spirit |
Judah stayed behind while the other brothers went to Egypt to buy grain?
| True | False |