Luke 6:39
In the Bible or Not? : "Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."
| Not | Bible |
How did Jesus heal the blind man?
| He touched his eyes and scales fell off them | He anointed his eyes with clay and told him to wash | He said the word and he was healed | He anointed his eyes with oil |
In John Chapter 9, Jesus healed a blind man using what method?
| He said, "you are healed." | He rubbed his head | He healed him from a long distance | He made clay using dust and spit, which he placed on the man's eyes |
Who was first to be struck blind?
| Men of Sodom | Job | Syrian army | Saul |
Who became blind when Paul visited him at Paphos because of his attempt to turn the ruler, Sergius Paulus, away from the Word of God?
| Herod | Simeon | Agabus | Elymas |
Who followed a star believing it would lead them to the newly born king of the Jews?
| Wise men | Nebuchadnezzar | Shepherds | Simeon |
Which man left his home country to travel to a land he did not know, that God would lead him to?
| Noah | Abraham | Isaac | Jacob |
Against which enemy did Jephthah lead Israel?
| Ammonites | Philistines | Midianites | Edomites |
Who was the only man to lead a sinless life?
| John the Baptist | Jesus | David | Moses |