Goes and looks for it
Luke 15:4
In the parable of the lost sheep, how many sheep did the shepherd count safely into the fold only to find one missing?
| 100 | 99 | 49 | 50 |
In the parable of the lost sheep how does the shepherd bring the found sheep home?
| In a cart | Follows it home | On his shoulders | On a rope |
At the judgement, Jesus will separate the people like a shepherd separates the sheep and which other animals?
| Foxes | Goats | Deer | Cows |
Fill in the missing name : Abel was a keeper of sheep, but _____ was a tiller of the ground
What does Jesus say is of no use if it has lost its taste?
| Leaven | Wormwood | Wine | Salt |
Why were the sons of the prophets cutting down trees when they lost the axe head in the river?
| To build a bigger dwelling place | For firewood | To build a dam | To build a raft |
Who reformed the temple and the religion of the land as a result of the High Priest finding a lost book of the Law?
| Amon | Josiah | Jehoahaz | Ahaziah |
How many silver coins did the woman have in the parable of the lost coin?
| Ten | Twelve | Five | One Hundred |
Which priest lost his ability to talk because he didn't believe an angel's prophecy?
Who asked for all the dark coloured sheep from Laban's flock as payment for service to him?
| Joseph | Abraham | Jacob | Esau |