John 1:42 - Cephas or Peter means stone
Which Parable is this from? : Go and learn what this means, 'I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.' For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners."
| Rich man and Lazarus | Great physician | Pharisee and tax collector | Children in market |
Other than putting a stone in front of Jesus' tomb, what measure was taken to guard the tomb?
| Set a guard to watch | Told no-one of the location | Set traps | None |
During whose time did people begin to call upon the name of the Lord?
| Lamech | Methuselah | Enosh | Enoch |
What was Peter's original name before he became known as Peter?
| Simon | Jonah | Silas | Paul |
Fill in the missing word(s) : They shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, _____
What provoked Jesus to say to the Pharisees, "he that is without sin, let him first cast a stone."
| They brought him a man caught in the act of stealing a loaf of bread | They brought him a woman taken in the act of adultery | They objected to Jesus associating with harlots | They accused Jesus' disciples of doing work on the Sabbath day |
Other than the Psalms, which is the only other Old Testament book that begins with the letter 'P'?
Other than in Exodus, in which other book of the Bible can we find the Ten Commandments recorded?
| Deuteronomy | Numbers | Leviticus | Genesis |
Whose name means "my judge is God"?
| Samuel | Jaaziel | Ezekiel | Daniel |