An angel
Acts 12:6-17 - Later on an angel strikes Herod down (Acts 12:23) ? probably the same one.
Which Pharisee came to Jesus late at night?
| Cornelius | Gamaliel | Nicodemus | Saul |
On which night of the storm did the sailors try to escape in the ship's boat from the ship that Paul was soon to be shipwrecked in?
| 3rd | 14th | 7th | 1st |
In his vision, what does Eliphaz say came to him at night?
| A voice | A spirit | A dream | A whirlwind |
What city did Lot convince the angels to let him escape to after rescuing him from Sodom?
| Zoar | Zair | Ziph | Zoba |
Fill in the missing number : Aeneas was bedridden for ____ years before Peter came and healed him.
Who came to see Jesus by night?
| Nicodemus | Annas | Caiaphas | Joseph of Arimathea |
Which Pharisee came to talk to Jesus by night?
| Simeon | James | Nicodemus | Gamaliel |
Nicodemus came to see Jesus at night
| False | True |