High Priest's
Matt 26:58,69-72 - Called the palace in KJV. He might be able to see something of the trial from here.
Where was Peter standing when he denied Jesus for the second time?
| In the garden of Gethsemane | At the foot of the cross | In the streets outside the high priest's yard | Warming himself at the fire |
Which Jewish girl became Queen of Persia?
The angels knew when Jesus was going to return from heaven
| True | False |
Who knew a man who had been caught up to the "third heaven"?
To whose servant did Peter deny knowing Jesus for a third time?
| Centurion's | Caesar's | Pontius Pilate's | High Priest's |
What was the name of the servant who answered the door after Peter escaped from prison?
| Hannah | Phebe | Rhoda | Lois |
Where was Matthew sitting when Jesus called him?
| By a well | On a donkey | In a tax booth | In a fishing boat |
In Zechariah's seventh vision what was sitting inside the basket?
| A snake | A beast with ten horns | A scroll of parchment | A woman |
How many lepers that were sitting outside the city gates of Samaria went down to the deserted camp of Aram?
| Two | One | Four | Three |