A strong tower
Pro 18:10
What did Moses name the place where he got water from the rock due to the people quarrelling with Moses and testing the Lord?
| Mesha & Mizraim | Migdol & Mithcah | Medeba & Misgab | Massah & Meribah |
What did Jacob name the place where God changed his name to Israel?
What was the name of the place where God confused the language of all the people?
| Babel | Bethel | Babylon | Beersheba |
What was the name of the place where Jesus Christ was crucified?
| Gethsemane | Machpelah | Gerasa | Golgotha |
What was the name given to the place of worship in the wilderness?
What was the name of the place where the Israelites camped, which had 12 wells of water and 70 palm trees?
| Elim | Marah | Kadesh | Sinai |
What was the name of the place where Abram first stopped and built an altar after entering Canaan?
| Hebron | Beersheba | Bethel | Shechem |