Jdg 14:5-6
What surprised Samson on his way to Timnah with his parents?
| A young lion | A thunderstorm | An attack by his enemies | A fallen tree blocking the way |
How many companions did the Philistines give to Samson at the feast in Timnah?
| 40 | 20 | 30 | 10 |
What did Samson find in the carcass of the animal he had killed at a later time?
| Bread | A bird's nest | Flies | Honey |
What animal did Samson send through the Philistine fields?
| Sheep | Horses | Cattle | Foxes |
To which city did Samson go down to and kill 30 men?
| Gaza | Ashkelon | Jerusalem | Timnah |
How did Samson kill all the people in the temple?
| Asked God to send an earthquake and make the temple collapse | Set fire to the tables | Killed them all with a sword | Pushed the pillars over and the temple collapsed |
What part of a donkey did Samson used to kill 1,000 Philistines?
| Hoof | Jawbone | Hind leg | Rib |
On what island was Paul shipwrecked as he made his way to Rome?
| Malta | Cyprus | Crete | Rhodes |
What misfortune did Paul encounter on the way to Rome?
| Shipwrecked | Whirlpool | Tornado | Illness |
Why did Jesus say it is difficult to find the way that leads to life?
| The path is winding | The gate is narrow and few find it | The path is rocky and steep | The gate is low and hidden |