Love your enemies, bless them that curse you
Matthew 5 vs 44
How should we treat the rich and the poor?
| Tell the rich man to take the best seat in your house, and the poor man your footstool | Ask the rich to give of their wealth to the poor | Only allow the rich man to enter your house, and not the poor man | Do not judge them, but treat them impartially |
How does Peter say a husband should treat his wife?
| With discipline | As Christ cared for the Church | With honour | As he would treat himself |
Where did Jesus say that those in Judea should flee to when they saw the abomination of desolation set up?
| The coast | Bethlehem | The mountains | The River Jordan |
According to Proverbs, how do those seeking death acquire their wealth?
| By begging | By gambling | By lying | By stealing |
Who were the enemies that suffered more deaths from hailstones than from the Israelites?
| The Amorites | The Philistines | The Canaanites | The Moabites |
In the ten commandments, why should we honour our father and mother?
| So that thy house will be a blessed place | So that thy children shall be blessed accordingly | So that thy days may be long upon the land which God giveth thee | So that thou receive honour from the angels in heaven |
How did Paul say we should let our requests be made known to God?
| By praise, worship and thanksgiving | By prayer and supplication with thanksgiving | By thanking God for all our blessings first | With hearts full of thankfulness |
What should we do after confessing our faults to one another?
| Forgive one another | Pray for one another | Sing songs to the Lord | Bring our problems before the elders |