Gal 5:22-23
What is the first jewel to be listed that was on the high priest's breast plate?
| Sardius | Jasper | Topaz | Jacinth |
Which of the seven churches in Revelation is listed first?
| Ephesus | Pergamos | Smyrna | Philadelphia |
Which of the following was not listed among Job's possessions before his trials?
| 500 yoke of oxen | 3,000 camels | 500 donkeys | 500 horses |
Other than Galatians, which book begins with the letter 'G'?
How many Fruits of the Spirit does Paul list in Galatians?
| Four | Nine | Three | Six |
Which Book ...comes five books after Galatians?
| Philemon | Colossians | 2 Thessalonians | 2 John |
According to Paul's letter to the Galatians, for what purpose did Jesus Christ give Himself?
| To condemn the sinners | To establish a new religion | To deliver us from this present evil world | To overthrow political powers |
In Paul's letter to the Galatians, he states,
| The Holy Spirit | The Church | God | Christ |
What has Christ redeemed believers from, according to Paul's letter to the Galatians?
| Disease | Ignorance | Political oppression | The curse of the law |