Gen 9:21
What sin did Achan commit?
| Theft | Adultery | Slothfulness | Lasciviousness |
What sin did Gehazi commit?
| Greed | Lust | Envy | Fornication |
What sin did the children of Israel commit whilst Moses was up on Mount Sinai?
| Worshipping a golden calf | Attacked a neighbouring tribe | Sold Joseph into slavery | Carved an idol out of gopher wood |
When Jesus began his ministry in Capernaum, what did he preach?
| The voice of one crying in the wilderness | The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven | Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand | Man shall not live by bread alone |
How long did the floodwaters prevail on the earth before they began to recede?
| 150 days | 40 days | 200 days | 100 days |
How did King Zimri commit suicide?
| Locked himself in a room with no food or water | Threw himself under a chariot | Thrust his hand in the hole of a poisonous snake | Burned his house down while still inside it |
With whom did David commit adultery?
| Athaliah | Michal | Abigail | Bathsheba |
What was the reason that Jacob and his family began a new life in Egypt?
| War in Israel | A family argument | Disease in Israel | Famine in Israel |
Who was king of Judah when Micah began prophesying?
| Hoshea | Jotham | Hezekiah | Ahaz |
Paul's conversion began on the road to Damascus
| True | False |