Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit
Matt 12:31
In the Bible or Not? : "Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."
| Not | Bible |
What sin did Jesus say cannot be forgiven?
| Blasphemy against the Son of man | Taking God's name in vain | Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit | Murder |
In the Old Testament, what did the Israelites have to do to be forgiven of sin?
| Give ten percent of their crops to the priest | Pay some money to the temple | Recite the book of the Law | Offer an animal sacrifice via a priest, and pray for forgiveness |
How were sins forgiven in the Old Testament?
| Fasting | Animal sacrifice | Prayer | Bathing |
In the Bible or Not? : "It's one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, to forgive. Forgive everybody."
| Not | Bible |
In which book can we read of the account of David and Goliath?
| 2 Kings | 1 Samuel | 1 Kings | 2 Samuel |
In which book can we find Nebuchadnezzar's image?
| Daniel | Jeremiah | Ezekiel | Romans |
Who said "no servant can serve two masters"?
| Peter | Timothy | Jesus | Paul |
Jesus asked: 'Can the blind lead the....?'
| Lame | Sighted | Deaf | Blind |