Worshipping a golden calf
Exo 32:8
How many commandments did God give to Moses on Mount Sinai?
| 5 | 50 | 20 | 10 |
What sin stopped Moses from leading the children of Israel into the Promised Land?
| Worshipping a golden calf | Blasphemy | Punching someone | Hitting a rock twice |
What did the Israelites do whilst Moses was receiving the Ten Commandments from God?
| Made a molten calf | Complained about the lack of food | Spent the time in prayer | Offered strange incense |
What sin did Noah commit after he began to be a "man of the soil"?
| Drunkeness | Coveting | Anger | Adultery |
What sin did Achan commit?
| Adultery | Lasciviousness | Theft | Slothfulness |
What sin did Gehazi commit?
| Fornication | Greed | Lust | Envy |
Moses led the children of Israel over the river Jordan into the Promised Land
| True | False |
What did God provide for Israel at Sinai?
| The Ten Commandments | Manna and Quail | The Tabernacle Blueprint | The Ark of the Covenant |
Moses received ____ commandments from God on Mt. Sinai written on tablets of stone