Cut himself
Mark 5:5
What miracle did Jesus perform just before healing Legion of his unclean spirit?
| Feeding of the 4,000 | Walking on water | Calming of the storm | Raised Lazarus |
How many smooth stones did David take from the brook?
| Five | One | Two | Seven |
Other than his shepherd's pouch, sling and stones what else did David take with him to face Goliath?
| Sword | Spear | Bow & Arrows | Shepherd's Staff |
Why did Elijah choose 12 stones to build his altar?
| That's all he could find | One for each gate of the temple | One for each tribe of Israel | The number of years Ahab had reigned |
How many stones did the Israelites take from the dry river bed of the Jordan?
| 7 | 153 | 12 | 40 |
David chose ____ smooth stones when he fought against Goliath
Who was told to take large stones and bury them underneath the pavement outside the entrance to Pharaoh's palace?
| Jeremiah | Moses | Aaron | Isaiah |
Different stones carried in an Israelite's bag must be the same what?
| Colour | Shape | Size | Weight |
What was Jesus tempted to turn stones into when he was in the wilderness?
| Bread | Grapes | Quail | Fish |
What was the name of the valley where Achan was covered with a pile of stones?
| Achan | Hinnom | Shaveh | Achor |