Jer 51:63
God told man that he couldn't drink from the River Euphrates?
| False | True |
What did Elisha throw into the river to cause the axe head to float?
| A wooden stick | His cloak | A piece of bread | A rock |
How many people did Jehu kill and throw in a pit at Beth-eked?
| 18 | 70 | 12 | 42 |
What did Elisha throw into Jericho's water supply to "heal" it?
| Milk | Salt | Bitter herbs | A branch |
What did Elisha throw in the poisoned stew to make it edible?
| Milk | Flour | Salt | Bark |
What did the mighty angel throw into the sea that represented the throwing down of Babylon?
| A small defenceless child | A rock the size of a mountain | A stone like a great millstone | A fiery dragon |
How many silver shekels did Jeremiah pay to Hanameel for a field in Anathoth?
| 17 | 10 | 24 | 19 |
Which king was forced to throw Daniel into the lions' den?
What should you not throw before swine?
| Food | Pearls | Coins | Bread |
Who told the queen's servants to throw her out of a window?
| Naboth | Ahab | Jehu | Elijah |