Luke 2:36 - daughter of Phanuel.
How old was Anna the prophetess when she saw Jesus?
| 84 | 101 | 100 | 99 |
The elderly widowed prophetess in Jerusalem, who saw Jesus as a baby was?
| Rachel | Anna | Tabitha | Salome |
After the exile, the Israelites returned and started to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, but which other prophet along with Zechariah was sent to encourage the completion of the partly built temple?
| Obadiah | Amos | Haggai | Joel |
Who gave birth to a son, following her prayer to God in the temple, during which the priest accused her of drunkenness?
| Elisabeth | Rachel | Rebekah | Hannah |
What was the name of the chamberlain who gave Esther food and cosmetics before being presented to King Ahasuerus?
| Hegai | Blastus | Shaashgaz | Nathanmelech |
What was put on the end of stick and presented to Jesus when he was on the cross?
| Hyssop | Fat of an ox | Rag | Sponge |
What sacrifice did Mary and Joseph offer when the days of purification were complete after Jesus' birth?
| A young goat | Two turtledoves or pigeons | A young lamb | A young lamb and two pigeons |