Threw the cargo overboard
Jonah 1:5 - This shows just how worried the sailors were to resort to throwing the cargo overboard.
Who did God instruct to build an ark to ensure his survival?
| Noah | Isaac | Seth | Jonah |
Who said to Jesus, "increase our faith!"?
| Martha & Mary | The Pharisees | The Samaritans | The Apostles |
On which night of the storm did the sailors try to escape in the ship's boat from the ship that Paul was soon to be shipwrecked in?
| 1st | 14th | 7th | 3rd |
How did the sailors discover Jonah was responsible for the storm?
| Flipped a coin | Jonah confessed | Cast lots | God told them in a vision |
How did Adam and Eve attempt to cover their nakedness after their sin?
| They sewed fig leaves together. | They hid behind trees. | They used animal skins. | They wove grass mats. |
Complete the quote: "This people honours me with their ___ but their heart is far from me."
| Ears | Hands | Sacrifices | Lips |
How many of the city's inhabitants could not "discern their left hand from their right hand"?
| 120,000 | 40,000 | 1,000 | 300,000 |
What horrific act did the women do to their children during the Babylonian siege on Jerusalem?
| Catapulted them over the walls | Offered them as sacrifices to the Lord | Boiled and ate them | Sent them out to fight with no armour |
What birds did God provide for the children of Israel to eat during their exodus from Egypt?
| Pigeons | Quails | Ostriches | Turtledoves |
How did Adam and Eve feel about their nakedness?
| They were embarrassed | They did not notice | They were not ashamed | They wanted to cover themselves |