Jonah 3:3 - No longer disobeident he rose up and went where he should have gone in the first place.
How long was it before Jonah reached dry land?
| 1 day | 2 days | 4 days | 3 days |
Israel crossed the Red Sea on dry ground, but what river did they also cross on dry ground?
At what town did God stop the waters of the Jordan as the Israelites crossed over on dry land?
| Jagur | Eglon | Adam | Ashan |
On what day were dry land and seas created?
| Third | Fourth | Second | Fifth |
What sea, according to the book of Hebrews, was crossed by the Israelites, by faith, "as by dry land"?
| Mediterranean Sea | Red Sea | Dead Sea | Sea of Galilee |
What did Jacob see in a dream reaching up to heaven?
| Statue | Cloud | Ladder | Tree |
While Jacob was dreaming of a ladder reaching to heaven what was he using as a pillow for his head?
| Stone | Camel bag | Sheepskin | Flask of water |
After sending messages from Kadesh, the king of which land refused the Israelites passage to the Promised Land?
| Edom | Ammon | Sihon | Bashan |
How many stones did the Israelites take from the dry river bed of the Jordan?
| 40 | 7 | 12 | 153 |
In which prophecy do we read about the valley of dry bones?
| Jeremiah | Isaiah | Ezekiel | Daniel |