Josh 4:2-9 - One for each of the 12 tribes.
Israel crossed the Red Sea on dry ground, but what river did they also cross on dry ground?
At what town did God stop the waters of the Jordan as the Israelites crossed over on dry land?
| Adam | Eglon | Ashan | Jagur |
How many smooth stones did David take from the brook?
| Two | Five | Seven | One |
Joshua instructed that 12 stones were taken with them across the Jordan
| True | False |
Naaman was instructed by Elisha to dip himself in the river Jordan ____ times
Which prophet of God told Naaman to wash in the river Jordan to cure his leprosy?
| Elijah | Elisha | Samuel | Micah |
Moses led the children of Israel over the river Jordan into the Promised Land
| True | False |
Naaman was told to wash in the river Jordan seven times to be cured of his leprosy
| False | True |
Other than his shepherd's pouch, sling and stones what else did David take with him to face Goliath?
| Sword | Bow & Arrows | Spear | Shepherd's Staff |
What sea, according to the book of Hebrews, was crossed by the Israelites, by faith, "as by dry land"?
| Dead Sea | Mediterranean Sea | Red Sea | Sea of Galilee |