Josh 19:49-50
How old was Caleb (one of the original 12 spies) when he was given Hebron as his inheritance?
| 70 | 45 | 40 | 85 |
What tribe was given a portion of Judah as their inheritance?
| Benjamin | Asher | Ephraim | Simeon |
What job did the Prodigal Son end up taking after he had spent his inheritance?
| Pig feeder | Stable boy | Street cleaner | Dishwasher |
To what city did Joshua send two men to spy upon?
| Heshbon | Ai | Jericho | Gilgal |
Which tribe of Israel received no inheritance?
| Simeon | Judah | Levi | Dan |
What was the only tribe not to receive an inheritance?
| Levi | Issachar | Manasseh | Reuben |
What was the last tribe to be apportioned their inheritance of land?
| Naphtali | Gad | Dan | Zebulun |
What was the main inheritance of the Levites?
| The lakes and rivers of Israel | The priesthood | Gold and silver | The vineyards of Israel |
Who received Hebron for an inheritance?
| Eleazar | Caleb | Phinehas | Othniel |
In which city was the Ark of the Covenant given back to the Levites?
| Mizpah | Beth Shemesh | Timnath | Kiriath Jearim |