Judges 15:4
How many silver pieces would each Philistine lord give to Delilah if she betrayed Samson?
| 650 | 30 | 1100 | 500 |
When Jonathan came across a Philistine garrison what natural phenomenon accompanied his attack?
| Hailstones | Thunder | Earthquake | Darkness |
Where was Jesus when he said "Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields: for they are white already to harvest"?
| Jordan | Samaria | Galilee | Decapolis |
What animal did Samson kill on his way to Timnah?
| Sheep | Lion | Ox | Goat |
What did Samson find in the carcass of the animal he had killed at a later time?
| A bird's nest | Honey | Flies | Bread |
What did God rain down on the Amorite army as they passed through Beth-Horon, killing more of them than the Israelite army did?
| Boiling rain | Fire and brimstone | Quails | Hailstones |
Which animal did the 10 spies liken themselves to, compared to the people of the land of Canaan?
| Ants | Grasshoppers | Beetles | Locusts |
When Moses blessed the tribes before his death, to what animal did he compare Gad?
| Doe | Lion | Elephant | Turtledove |
What animal did Balaam strike with a stick?
| Goat | Donkey | Sheep | Ox |