He ate it
Rev 10 vs 10
Whose mother took him a little coat once a year?
| David | Samuel | Joseph | Jesus |
Who came and took the body of John the Baptist away for burial?
| Mary | Lazarus | The disciples | Nicodemus |
Which Book ...ends with "little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen"?
| 1 John | Jude | Luke | Romans |
Who did Paul advise to drink a little wine for his health?
| John | Silas | Barnabas | Timothy |
To who did Jesus say, "Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith"?
| The Pharisees | The disciples | Judas Iscariot | Mary and Joseph |
Which man's name changed from meaning "requested" to meaning "little"?
| Paul | Abraham | Jacob | Peter |
Who said ,"Whosoever shall not receive the kingom of God as a little child shall not enter therein" ?
| Jesus | Paul | John | Peter |
In the prophecy of Isaiah, where will a little child play in the future?
| The lair of a wolf | The hole of an asp | The cave of a leopard | The den of a lion |