The rivers and fountains of waters became blood
Rev 16 vs 4
Who described himself as "poured out like milk and curdled like cheese"?
| Jesus | Solomon | David | Job |
The king's wrath is as the roaring of what?
| A lion | His army | The wind | The waves |
What did the tribes east of the Jordan do to incur the wrath of those to the west?
| Took wives from other countries | Built an altar | Worshipped other gods | Took possession of the River Jordan |
What does Job say is poured out like water?
| His groanings | His misery | His woes | His sighings |
What was the third thing God made on day four?
| Bats | Planets | Birds | Stars |
At the opening of the third seal in Revelation, what was the rider of the black horse holding in his hand?
| Pair of scales | Scarlet thread | Scroll | Shield |
To whose servant did Peter deny knowing Jesus for a third time?
| High Priest's | Centurion's | Pontius Pilate's | Caesar's |