A rudder on a ship
Which small body part is responsible for great things?
| Ear | Hands | Tongue | Nose |
From which part of Adam's body did God create Eve?
| Rib | Head | Knee | Foot |
What part of King Asa's body was diseased?
| Stomach | Bowels | Hands | Feet |
During Jacob's struggle with the angel, the hollow of which part of Jacob's body was touched and put out of joint?
| Knee | Thigh | Ankle | Shoulder |
Which parts of his body did Peter ask Jesus to wash, after being told that unless Jesus washed his feet he would have no part with him?
| Feet and hands | Feet, hands and head | Head, face and ears | Feet, hands and ears |
Which profession does Jesus compare himself to spiritually?
| Tentmaker | Carpenter | Fisherman | Shepherd |
What does Jesus compare the Kingdom of God to in one of his parables?
| A piece of bread | A grain of wheat | A grain of mustard | A pomegranate seed |
To what food does the Lord compare his disciples?
| Yeast | Salt | Bread | Herbs |
In Song of Solomon, what type of tree does the love-smitten woman compare her man to?
| Olive | Apple | Fig | Pear |