Pray for one another
You will be healed if you pray for one another and what else?
| Thank God | Love one another | Do a good turn | Confess your faults |
In the ten commandments, why should we honour our father and mother?
| So that thy house will be a blessed place | So that thy days may be long upon the land which God giveth thee | So that thy children shall be blessed accordingly | So that thou receive honour from the angels in heaven |
How should we treat those who are our enemies, according to Jesus?
| Hate them with righteous anger | Love your enemies, bless them that curse you | Show your enemies the love of God | An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth |
How did Paul say we should let our requests be made known to God?
| By prayer and supplication with thanksgiving | By praise, worship and thanksgiving | By thanking God for all our blessings first | With hearts full of thankfulness |
What is the next line of the Lord's prayer after "Give us this day our daily bread..." ?
| And forgive us our debts | And lead us not into temptation | Thy will be done on earth as in heaven | Hallowed be thy name |
In the Bible or Not? : "To love another person is to see the face of God."
| Not | Bible |
Which Parable is this from? : And he sent another servant. But they also beat and treated him shamefully, and sent him away empty-handed.
| King's war plans | Vineyard owner | Unjust judge | Rich fool |