Exo 28:31 - the middle garment, beneath the ephod and above the coat, made from one piece of fabric and similar in design to the robe Christ was wearing at the crucifixon (John 19:23)
What colour was the priest's robe of the ephod?
What was the colour of the robe placed on Jesus?
| Red | White | Blue | Purple |
What colour robe did Pilate's soldiers put on Jesus?
| Blue | Purple | White | Brown |
What is the first colour mentioned?
| Yellow | Blue | Green | Red |
What colour was the dragon in Revelation that had seven heads and ten horns?
| Gold | Black | Red | Green |
What colour was Mordecai's royal apparel?
| White | Green and white | Blue and white | Red and white |
Whose father was so pleased to see him that he gave him the best robe and killed the fatted calf?
| Joseph | Jacob | Isaac | Prodigal son |
What colour did leprosy usually turn the skin?
| Red | White | Green | Yellow |
When the Prodigal Son returned, he father gave him a robe, shoes and what other item?
| Ring | Coin | Pearl | Fish |
What was the fate of the man who had no wedding robe at the parable of the marriage feast?
| Cast into darkness | Thrown into prison | Crucified | Exiled |