38 years
John 5:5
How long had the man at the pool of Bethesda been ill for, before Jesus healed him?
| 12 years | 5 years | 40 years | 38 years |
What happened to the first person who stepped into the pool of Bethesda after an angel stirred up the water?
| He was taken up into heaven | He was given the Holy Spirit | He was healed of any illness | He spoke in tongues |
Which king of Judah is recorded as building a pool, a conduit and brought water into Jerusalem?
| Jehoshaphat | Asa | Hezekiah | Jehoram |
Under the Law, for how long was a newly wed man free from public duties?
| 7 Years | 1 Year | 1 Month | 6 Months |
Who had a bed 13.5 foot long by 6 foot wide?
| Og | Ahab | Goliath | Boaz |
How long was it to be before the city Jonah had a message for was overthrown?
| 1 month | 1 week | 40 days | 1 year |
Elisha had long hair that reached his waist
| True | False |
In the parable of the Good Samaritan, who was the first man to pass by the wounded man?
| Scribe | Pharisee | Samaritan | Priest |